How To Get Back To Strength Training

There can be a lot of reasons for you to stop working out considering the kind of situation the entire world is in right now — the pandemic situation! Most of us are working from home and some of us are battling the virus ourselves. So whether you have been in a total lockdown mode while at home where you are barely moving or if you have been quarantined Within the four walls of your room, or if you have simply fallen out of your usual workout routine, and if you have been feeling to get back to your fitness groove, this article will help you achieve that.

Strength training

We understand that it is definitely difficult after having skipped your workout routine for several weeks or even several months, hitting the gym, or carrying out your usual training regimen once again, you will need to return to the routine gradually and most importantly safely so that you will not hurt yourself.

There have been many stories where an individual has ended up injuring oneself because of the rush to get back in shape and doing those exercises faster and harder. We all must understand that doing such a thing can lead to very severe injuries like shin splints or tendinopathies! We need to be aware that it just takes around three weeks or maybe two weeks for you to lose that muscle strength that you have been working so hard to build. However, even little exercise can become a deterrent effect.

However, there is always good news, you need to trust that! Our human body is amazing and as long as your general health hasn’t been affected negatively, beginning the right workout regimen even after a gap of physical inactivity of months allows you to rebuild your endurance that you might have lost. But, you need to listen to your body and you will want to push it so that you gradually are challenged but you’re not stressing out your body. There is a very fine line here so please pay attention to the warning signals your body sends out such as tightness, discomfort, or any severe pain. Here are a few ways through which you can get back to your strength training in a healthy manner. Read trenorol article to know more.


The first baby steps you need to take before diving back into your workout routine is to chart out a plan as to how you want your routine to look and how you want to get it together. And if it’s been months since you worked out, starting small is the best step to take. Doing too much exercise on the very first day can be very overwhelming for your body to handle. This might even make your mental state defeated. You need to 1st accept that you might not be as fit as you were when you had done your last workout and that is completely okay. You could always start with even just 10 to 15 minutes of exercise every single day — the goal here is to just keep moving forward without harming yourself. And as you plan your workout regimen it is important to consider the kind of habits, goals, and schedule you have been following the previous months when you are not working out. This way you will chart out a practical plan that will only motivate you to do better. Connect with your workout buddy and together make a plan. And always remember to check with your doctor before you begin your workout routine so that you perform only those exercises that will strengthen your body and not harm it.

Setting goals

As you slowly bounce back to your regular workout routine, do not forget to set goals that will keep you focused. We recommend looking at the goal as S.M.A.R.T.– Where S stands for goal specific, M for measurable, A for attainable, R for realistic, and T for time-sensitive. Trust us, this particular way of setting goals will help you achieve the strength of your body sooner.

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When you sit down to figure out a workout routine, it is important to remember that you begin with a routine that works best for you. Do only those exercises that you are comfortable committing to even if it’s just for a single day in a week. Make a Calendar market and maybe use a sticky note and stick to what exercise you will be performing on that day. Do not get into the feeling that you have to log in at least three or maybe four days in a week for a workout and master it in your first attempt itself. Begin with once a week, and as you get comfortable you can try to work up to 4 days a week. Remember that our body responds to our consistency over time so our body results become very fast and it will also help you maintain that discipline when it comes to working out.

Understanding exercises meant for beginners

It is a good idea to understand the basics before getting back to your regular workout routine. This is one opportunity for you to restart your transformation journey by looking into basic exercises for strength training like lunges, blanks, and squads — you could do variations in different types of workouts so this will help you play the correct foundation before jumping right in.

Active days versus passive rest days

Recovery is also a part of being active. The reason to start having just six days a week kind of a workout and not seven days a week is that – when we take a day off, a body isn’t doing it. It works harder to replenish and repair itself after all the six days of workout that you have put your body through. Rest equals long-term wellness! This should be a lifestyle that you are creating! Therefore, be very realistic when it comes to the frequency of your workout routines.

Ensure that you add rest days to your routine. You can choose active rest days where you are still doing some sort of an active movement like for example Alicia walk or some light stretching but even a bicycle ride; or you could opt for a passive rest day where you do not leave your couch and set up your Netflix account and go on a binge mode.

Active dress days will help your body to recover by promoting good blood flow and muscle repair — this helps in achieving greater flexibility in your body. Passive rest days, are known to be great for your body when it truly requires complete rest.

Safety tips

It is very important to begin your exercise with a warmup and end it with a cool down. This will prevent any kind of injuries or delayed onset of soreness. A good warmup routine will breathe your body to increase its activity and a cool-down routine will allow your heart rate to return to the normal resting number. Another safety tip to keep in mind is to take it slow and focus on all your movements. Do not overdo it which is a very common tendency that people follow when they are getting back to their workout routine after a long break.

These are some of the ways with which you can restart your strength training journey without being demotivated and injuring yourself!

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